One of the greatest challenges of the grocery stores is that the customers forget to carry the tote bags when they come shopping. This is resulting in lost sales at the grocery cash counters. One particular Grocery store in Toronto has brought back the plastic bags in full force. But that is not a sustainable solution either.
One of the main reasons why your customers forget their bags is that it is new thing for your customers. Old habits are slow to change. The customers themselves want to change but it is not an overnight switch. It is a slow process that will take some time. To over come this the stores should be displaying their tote bags prominently on their store flyers and inside the store and their store website. This is one of the best ways to remind your customers to bring their grocery tote bags with them.
The second main reason is very fundamental in nature. Did you get your bags from a supplier? Or did you collaborated closely with your Tote Bag maker to come up with the bag designs and styles that will work for your customers. A quick survey of a lot of Grocery Tote Bags sold at the grocery stores clearly indicates that it was a quick job to come up with the bag design and someone just placed the order with the Tote Bag supplier.
We at Bombay Bags work with you very closely and spend a lot of time and energy to come up with the bag designs that would work great for your grocery store. A great looking bag is the work of great effort and creativity. And a good looking bag is what people want to carry.
Read the latest post on changing the Customer Behavior so they bring their Tote Bag.