Top 20 Environment Issues Facing the Planet Earth

Really the top challenge that environment faces today is the callousness of humans beings towards it. We are the ones responsible for the top 20 or the top 1 million environmental issues facing the Planet earth. Yet we think it is ok and things will be fine. We are are not ready to take the smallest of the actions and adapt to even the slightest of the changes.

  1. Global Warming
  2. Intensive rare metals mining for electric car batteries
  3. Acid Rain
  4. Air Pollution
  5. Loss of Biodiversity
  6. Deforestation
  7. Water Pollution
  8. Overpopulation of Human beings
  9. Soil Erosion caused by over use of chemicals
  10. Natural Resource Depletion
  11. Ocean Acidification
  12. Nuclear Waste
  13. Radioactive Contamination
  14. Climate Change
  15. Toxic Waste
  16. Ozone Layer Depletion
  17. Species Extinction
  18. Ocean Pollution
  19. Habitat Destruction
  20. Air Quality Decline

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